What is unique about the LEARNTEC Convention?

Highly qualified international speakers from the realms of business and academia discuss the latest topics and put forward solutions. The links between the trade fair and convention give you the opportunity to interact with experts about learning trends, digital education and e-learning.

If you are taking part in the convention, why not tie it in with a visit to the trade fair?

Subjects that are discussed in the convention sections can be implemented directly in the trade fair

Here, you can find the right e-learning provider for your needs. The convention will teach you the theory and show best practice examples. The wide cross-section of exhibitors will help you to implement your individual project in a way that meets the specific needs of your target groups.

Call for papers for LEARNTEC 2025

Outline of a megaphone addressing two sheets of paper. Black on a white background

Thank you for all submissions!

Thank you very much for your participation in our Call for Papers for LEARNTEC 2025.

We have received many high-quality submissions. We look forward to organizing another interesting and successful convention in 2025 based on your contributions.

All submissions are currently being evaluated by our expert jury in the LEARNTEC committee. We will inform you about the result and the status of your submission next year.

Due to the large number of presentations submitted, we ask for your understanding that we will carry out a detailed examination to ensure a varied and coherent program and therefore unfortunately cannot consider all submissions.

Convention Commitee

Our convention committee, made up of experienced experts from the education industry and academia, is once again putting together an exciting program of top international speakers and practical presentations, discussion panels and workshops for 2024.

Photo of Sünne Eichler
Photo of Sünne Eichler

Sünne Eichler

Photo of Peter Henning
Photo of Peter Henning

Prof. Dr. Peter A. Henning

Foto von Micha Pallesche
Foto von Micha Pallesche

Micha Pallesche

Your contact person

Portrait Tamara Frankenhäuser
Project Management
Tamara Frankenhäuser
Project Manager
T: +49 721 3720-5142
F: +49 721 3720-99-5142