Hardware and Equipment

Suitable hardware and equipment are equally important as the necessary software when it comes to achieving a learning performance. A custom-fit workplace office equipment plays a major part in ensuring the well-being and health of employees, which is fundamental for sustainable success. In addition, IT infrastructure, cloud computing or virtualization connect computers and workplaces. Another focus in the hardware and equipment section is on mobil devices as well as mobile presentation technologies like smart media.
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1. Workplace Equipment/Learning Space Design
The custom-fit equipping of the workplace is a necessity for employees to work efficiently, in a target-oriented manner and successfully. Workplace office equipment includes office supplies such as hardware and software, telephones, writing utensils and ergonomic office furniture. Office equipment must likewise ensure sanitary safety. An unsteady chair or a monitor that is bad for eyes can endanger an employee’s health in the long run. Modern companies value office design extremely highly. They provide:
- well-lit spaces
- flexible workplace systems
- discussion rooms
- places of retreat for generating ideas
- sports portfolios
The underlying assumption is that people who feel more at home in the workplace will spend more time there, be more creative, and hence advance the company.
Educational institutions also increasingly strive for learning friendly and creativity promoting equipment. Universities today put great emphasis on technical equipment and laboratories which enable practical work experience. Interior decorators, who design learning spaces, design them in such a fashion that work is a pleasant experience and staff can work undisturbed.
In schools the specifications for school equipment are ever more precise. Learning space equipment should, due to its design, provide every student with the required learning and working materials at all times. Other aspects of learning space design include:
- mobile school furniture
- space for events and communication
- notice and bulletin boards for gathering ideas and insights
2. IT Infrastructure/Virtualization/Cloud
IT infrastructure connects computers and workplaces in companies, schools and universities. They allow all sorts of software to be run as well as the digital exchange of information. IT infrastructure architecture, IT infrastructure setup and IT infrastructure management for the respective IT components must be entrusted to IT specialists. They are also responsible for the IT controlling which orients the IT towards the company objectives most efficiently. The IT infrastructure and IT infrastructure components chosen by companies depends on their tasks and targets.
Many companies today use cloud computing. IT service companies offer the required IT services and hardware. They provide IT infrastructure such as servers, computation power, network capacities and communication devices. They are likewise responsible for IT operations, which means for the maintenance of end user devices, servers, databases, applications and other IT components.
The aim of IT consolidation is to
- harmonize
- merge
- simplify and
- save resources for
the IT structure within a company.
One possibility is the virtualization and the use of virtual machines (VMs). Virtualization software emulates hardware and software and creates virtual services or devices (hardware virtualization), such as operating systems or storage devices. Software virtualization makes it possible to run a program without having installed it previously, and independently from the operating system. Experts differentiate between network virtualization, storage virtualization and server virtualization (virtual server, virtualization server). Advantages: Virtualizations offer better workload, independence from hardware and cost savings. More on storage, cloud storage, cloud technology, cloud services, cloud hosting, cloud servers and complex cloud solutions can be found at LEARNTEC.
3. Mobile Devices/Wearables
Mobile devices feature heavily in the everyday lives of most people. The majority of people cannot manage without their smartphone or tablet computer, and mobile device usage is constantly increasing. In Germany the mobile internet usage is at about 70 percent. This is not without consequences for website owners: A repository design that allows correct display and usage of the website on mobile devices is virtually obligatory today. Websites must be optimized for mobile devices for this purpose. Popular smartphone services are:
- instant messaging
- online shopping
- music videos
- video clips
- video podcasts
In addition, many use mobile apps, which are software applications for mobile devices and operating systems, such as Android or iOS. Mobile device management is essential for companies whose employees use a smartphone or tablet computer. This entails managing mobile devices centrally and ensuring sufficient data privacy.
Not only mobile devices are subject to increasing popularity, but also internet capable televisions (internet TV) and wearables. Smart wearables are the fastest growing section. Wearable devices are small computers with digital interfaces. They can connect to the internet via Bluetooth and control other devices like smartphones. Popular wearables are:
- fitness trackers
- fitness bracelets
- smart watches
Wearable watches are worn by users on their wrists. Wearables can measure blood sugar, blood pressure or heart frequency. You can find out more about wearable gadgets, wearable electronics, wearable technology, tech wearables and wearable computing at LEARNTEC.
4. Presentation Technology/Smart Media
Smart media is used by teachers, professors and anybody who wants to successfully present professional concepts and ideas. Various smart media, media technology, convention technology and conference technology is used in presentations. Flipchart presentation technology is well-known and has a long history. A mobile panel is equipped with a large paper block, on which ideas can be noted, and processes and connections can be illustrated. The presentation technology PowerPoint has become indispensable in business settings. Various charts and professional presentations can be created with this presentation program. Presentation tips from professionals are to set up slides logically, not overload them, or restrict oneself to conveying one message per slide.
The projector presentation is an alternative presentation technology, used in many companies today. The projector utilizes data from a notebook or computer and projects high resolution, large format images onto a wall, facilitating visualization. Presentations can be done with high performance projectors, but also smaller projectors for mobile use. In contrast to front projections, with rear projections the screen is lit not from the front, but from the back. Rear projection is especially used with video walls and under special room conditions. LEARNTEC offers further information on the successors of the smart media card, a storage medium (flash storage) for smart media devices like digital cameras, smart media systems and smart media system apps (navigation systems), the XML editorial system smart media creator for documentation and teaching materials, and smart learning solutions.